Mark Gemmola
Mark Gemmola, Advisory Board
Mark has over twenty years of experience in commercial advisory roles undertaking work for senior management, Boards and Governments as well as expert advisory work for the courts in Australia. During that time, he also has been an active working Board member for charities operating in Cambodia and Tanzania.
Mark graduated as a mechanical engineer and spent two years working for BHP Petroleum, including on the drilling rigs in the Timor Sea. After completing an MBA, Mark worked for various economic consultancies predominantly in the energy sector advising on the rapid regulatory and market restructuring changes that occurred during the late 1990s and early 2000s. It was during this time that Mark first fell in love with Asia traveling to Nepal and India and later embarking on a long trip exploring most of south-east Asia.
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Matteo Marinelli
Matteo Marinelli, Advisory Board
Matteo comes with over 16 years of microfinance and development finance experience in emerging markets. Matteo left Italy, his native country, in 2003 and never returned. He is currently the CEO of Maha Agriculture Microfinance, an agri-focused-fintech-oriented-microfinance institution based out of Yangon, Myanmar, where he has been living since 2013. Maha is owned by Myanma Awba Group, the leading corporation in the Myanmar agricultural industry and the International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group.
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